November Minutes now available

Iron ore locos

Happy New Year everyone!

A reminder that the first meeting of the year is on Wednesday 20th January, 8pm in the club rooms. Minutes from the November meeting are now available on the members page. Also on the members page is an updated membership register and new public layout roster (Feb — Jul 2010).

See you at the club next week!

Image: BHP Locos queuing up to enter Port Headland, 15th May 2009

AMRA Model Rail

Mt Newman loco 5451

AMRA has kindly sent us an invite to their annual ‘Model Rail’ open day. This year there will not be any modelling competitions as they have decided that aspect is to become a biennial event (i.e. held every two years).

On exhibit this year will be a couple of new layouts, plus others that are now operational that have been in construction for some time. There will also be a sausage sizzle, other displays and workshops.

Make a note in your diary for Sunday 8th November and get along to their clubrooms to join in the fun (24 Moojebing St. Bayswater, opposite the end of Paddington St.).

Image: Mt Newman loco 5451  in the Don Rhodes Mining and Transport Museum, Port Hedland, May 2009

General Meeting 19th March

Steel Mill (annotated)

At the general meeting on Wednesday night, two new members were accepted into the club (Simon Pegram — as a junior member, and Anthony Reeder). Welcome to the club guys! Chris Kalajzic was accepted by the membership as our new committee member and we also discussed and agreed to replace the dirty carpet in the public area with industrial vinyl, which should be a lot easier to keep clean.

Terry Kestel supplied me with a legend for his scratch built steel mill, so I have marked up a photograph of all the components (see above). Terry based his design on pictures of the Walthers Steel Mill kit that was produced in HO scale in 1996. We have been looking for one of these Walthers kits for the club for some time, but they have been out of production for a while now. Although some second hand models are sometimes available on eBay, they are usually assembled — hence shipping costs to Australia become prohibitive! I think Terry has done a terrific job, especially considering the ordinary everyday items he has build it from.

Below are some more photographs from the night — the steel mill from the other end (it is so long it is very difficult to photograph in its entirety!) , Chris K. — our new committee member, and a general shot of some of the workers and watchers — anxiously fiddling with stuff after being forced to sit still during another general meeting.

Steel Mill (rolling mill end) Chris K. Workers and watchers

At the club last night

Steel mill

Spotted at the club last night was the second half of Terry K.‘s scratch built steel mill — an amazing conglomeration of recycled materials — including even the super glue bottles that held the glue that holds it all together!

Also noted was the much tidier workshop area — as promised by Peter O. Click on the thumbnails below to see more detail.

We had a committee meeting last night (as we generally do two weeks ahead of a general meeting), so I didn’t get much of chance to do much else. But the new Rails Through The Bush books are now waiting at the club for those that pre-ordered. Wow — what an amazing quality publication!

Steel mill (closer) Steel mill (opposite) Clean workshop bench Tidy workshop shelves