A decision was made to dismantle the club’s old transportable N Scale layout Maple Deutsche and build a new N Scale layout in it’s place in March 2011. For more on the club’s old N Scale layouts, see Old N Scale Layouts.

A decision was made that the layout would not be portable, the last layout having been moved twice in ten years and thus it could be wider longer and more sturdy. Timber was cut to size at home by Garry and assembled at the club.

April 2013 saw completion of track laying and the first trains running.
The layout is of a European prototype with a double track main line which climbs up the length of the layout and then returns to the base level through a helix at one end to be covered by a mountain and a separate high speed line which loops under the main line at each end.

June 2014 saw the scenery beginning to take shape and the installation of the electronics to run it all.

The main line is wired to enable the running of DC or DCC locos with walkabout control using the club’s NCE System, HO decoders are wired into each track so that with the moving of a switch their output in DC is sent to the track to enable DC locos to be controlled. All sections are monitored by computer (CTI Train-Brain) for current draw to allow block detection and the running of multiple trains on each track.
October 2014 saw good progress being made on the scenery in the centre section

November 2016 progress on the mountain, construction is plaster over fly wire and made use of latex rock moulds.

At the same time Roger was busy building kits and creating the Town and Railway station at the other end

October 2017 saw completion of the Mountain at the far end. This mountain contains the double main line helix.

The mountain incorporates a winding narrow alpine line from the branch line station at the base of the mountain to the medieval village (complete with castle) higher up.