Visiting the Club — Public
Situated within the grounds of the Rail Transport Museum in Bassendean, there are no additional fees required to visit the model railway once you have entered the museum. The model railway and museum are open 1 to 5 p.m. on Sundays, and 1 to 4 p.m. on Wednesdays during school holidays. (Note: the Rail Transport Museum is open every Wednesday afternoon throughout the year, but the model railway is only open on Wednesdays during school holidays.)
Enjoy a cool drink, a “cuppa”, a snack, or an ice-cream whilst watching the model trains in a relaxing environment. Nearby toilets with full wheelchair/disabled access and baby-change facilities make it an ideal outing for families or carers looking for a weekend activity.
All proceeds from sales at the model railway go directly to the on-going running of the WAMRC — donations are also gratefully accepted!
Visiting the Club — Fellow Modellers (or for donations)
We operate in N, HO and G scales, with working layouts (or actively under construction) in all three gauges. Prototypes are typically Australian or US, although European and British locos and rolling stock are not uncommon. We support both traditional DC and radio operated DCC control on the N scale layout and DCC on the club’s main HO layout. On the G scale layout we operate club-built battery operated radio controlled units and the occasional live steam.
There is generally someone at the club every Wednesday (typically between 10am and 8pm) and visits from fellow modellers are always welcome. Follow the dirt road next to the railway line into the rear of the museum and head for the lights. See the path shown in the map below for more details.
For further information, please drop us an email (email hidden; JavaScript is required) or contact us using any of the methods listed on our contact page.
Hi Guys,
I am just starting my first build, (bought a retirees old set) have been collecting pieces and have built the base, I have loads of track etc but looking for advice, the internet is great but not so hands on.
Is Wednesday evenings the best time for chats and advice?
I will come this Wednesday to have look around and shake hands.
kind regards,
Hi Wayne — yes, absolutely. Wednesday afternoons/evenings are the best time and you will be most welcome. See you then!
hi i was wondering if there was a possibility of opening on other days of the week as a once off for a group to ocme through and have a look. i have a group of me who gather on a Tuesday who would be interested in looking at these models.
Hi James, that is definitely possible and we have done similar things in the past. Please send us an email (email hidden; JavaScript is required) and we can discuss further.
Cheers, Ross.
Hi there, I was wondering is it possible for anyone who can help with my layout, I run HO and OO on my track I have just purchased Gaugemaster twin controller, I’m using Gaugemaster single controller at this moment, I need advice on improvement on my train layout etc, Greg
Hi Greg, yes we can definitely help you. Are you able to drop in to the club on a Wednesday afternoon/early-evening?
Hi all
I have some Triang and Hornby HO train and track for sale dating back to the 60s.
Too much to list. Is there someone that would come and look at it for me in Yanchep as I am disabled and have trouble walking.
Also have Scalextric track, cars etc from the 60s as well.
Your help would be much appreciated.
Terry Murphy
Hi there , I am Dave.
I have been calling in at the club on Railway parade on a Wednesday mornings over the last few months, but no one home.I will try Wednesday Afternoon’s in future.
Hi Dave — there is usually someone there on Wednesdays in the afternoon. Occasionally mornings too — but not always guaranteed.
Note that to get to the model railway club you have to enter via the ‘back gate’. More details available here:
I’m working in Perth next week, are you open next Wed 22/11? And approximately what time would you be open till? Not sure if can make it yet will depend on how work goes, thanks.
Hi, I’m just starting to build a model railway (on a budget):
I’ve no idea where to start or who to speak with. I’m available most times. Thanlks
Hi — welcome to the hobby! Best idea is to come down to the club and get chatting to a few people. This page (i.e. the page you commented on) gives you instructions for how to do that. Hope to see you soon!
Thanks foot your kind message. I’ll come along Sunday and I’m looking forward to meeting you.