Dry-cell Battery Recycling

With the explosion of electronics in use in Model Railways in recent years, the club is finding itself going through more and more dry cell batteries. Peter Tullis recently obtained a ‘Dry Cell Battery Recycling Container’ and has placed it in the library for anyone to use.

When replacing dead batteries, please put the old ones in the container rather than throw them in the bin. You can even bring them in from home as well! The types of batteries accepted include:

  • AA and AAA cells (single use & rechargeable batteries)
  • C and D sized batteries
  • Button batteries (e.g. from watches)
  • 9V batteries
  • 6V batteries (e.g. lantern/torch batteries)

Any broken, damaged, leaking or corroded batteries should first be placed in a zip-lock bag (use one of the old mug bags).

Once the container is full, it will be returned to the recycling depot. From there, the batteries are sorted into single use and rechargeable types. Single use batteries are sent to NSW for recycling (by AusZinc), while the rechargeable types have to be sent overseas (France or Singapore) as Australia currently has no recycler for these battery types.

Lead acid batteries (both sealed rechargeable and vehicle batteries) cannot be placed in the container. These types of batteries should be disposed of at Household Hazardous Waste depot, or directly with a scrap metal dealer.

For more details, see the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council’s Household Battery Recycling page.

Miniature W‑Class Steam Locomotives

On 24th June, I had the pleasure and privileged of tagging along on a site visit to Kentin Engineering in Malaga, to view two recently completed 12″ gauge miniature W‑Class steam locomotives. The site visit was organised by the Mechanical Branch of the WA Division of Engineers Australia. Read more to see the photos I took and see a copy of the excellent presentation given that night.

Image: Miniature W‑Class Steam Loco No. 961 in steam at Kentin Engineering

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Model Railway Exhibition — Pictures

We have been given kind permission to reproduce some photos of models on Arid Australia taken during the Model Railway Exhibition by a visitor. Click on the image above to go directly to the new gallery.

Image: Passenger carriages speed past while a double-stacked container train waits in the loop on Arid Australia

May General Meeting

That time again — the next general meeting is in two weeks; usual time and place. Here is the formal notice: Acrobat logoGeneral Notice 19th May 2010. Minutes from the March general meeting are available in the members’ area.

We are also now a couple of months away from the AGM in July. That means it is time to start thinking about nominations for committee positions! Here is this year’s nomination form: Acrobat logoNomination Form 2010 (paper copies are available in the clubrooms). Completed nomination forms must be received by the Secretary no later than Wednesday 30th June.

Image: Grip Car 3 at the Wellington Cable Car Museum in New Zealand

New clubroom number & updated membership list

The WAMRC club rooms has a new mobile phone number: 0451 186 010

This phone is in the club rooms and switched on all the time — but there is no answering machine or voice mail. It will only be answered if there is someone at the club (which is normally only on Wednesdays and during the day on Saturdays and Sundays).

For other ways to get in contact with the club, see the contact page.

A new membership list is now available in the members’ area (restricted access to members only). There are quite a few updates on this latest version (including Rowan’s mobile, Cliff’s address & mobile, Paul’s address & mobile, Chris’s mobile, Gary’s mobile and Brian’s mobile) so I encourage you to update your records accordingly. I’ll also print out a bunch of hard copies to leave in the club rooms.

As we are coming up towards the AGM in July, I’ll also be sending out copies of the current membership register in conjunction with the usual call for nominations at the beginning of May.

Rail Enthusiasts’ Day

Rail Heritage WA is holding a “Rail Enthusiasts’ Day” at the Rail Transport Museum on Sunday 2nd May: 11am-5pm

Activities on the day will include:

  • Book launch — Bill Gray’s revised, fully detailed, guide to all our locomotives, carriages and exhibits – now in full colour. Special first-day price!
  • Selected stalls catering to enthusiasts
  • Behind the scenes tours — see restoration area and talk to restorers**
  • Tours through an XA diesel locomotive (bring own ear-muffs!)**
  • Special displays of Western Australian prototype models – multiple scales and gauges – with help and information desk
  • Behind-the-scenes tours of WA Model Railway Club system
  • Used book and magazines sale
  • The bookshop newly stocked
  • Sales on commission (rail artefacts, special books, etc.) – contact email hidden; JavaScript is required for details
  • Sausage sizzle, cool drinks, tea, coffee and snacks available

** For insurance and safety regulatory reasons, participants in these tours must wear hats and closed shoes and be over 12 years of age. We also recommend you dress appropriately for an area where objects may be rusty and/or oily.

The Railway Museum, 136 Railway Parade Bassendean WA 6054


Also available is the April newsletter from Rail Heritage: Acrobat logoNewsletter 2010 04