March General Meeting postponed one week

The Secretary (Ross) will be away with work on the 16th March, so rather than press-ganging someone else into taking the minutes, the committee intends to delay the next regular general meeting by a week to Wednesday 23rd March (still at 8pm in the clubrooms). Formal notice of the meeting will go out this coming Wednesday (2nd March) as normal.

We received a nice note from our travelling President a few days ago. Sounds like his trip is going well:

Hi, Yes we are still alive! Mind you we just about got fried alive going across the Nullarbor; 43°C for about 5 days in a row. Philip island was nice and cool. In Portland, Victoria at the moment with some bad weather on its way tonight; 30 to 40mm rain forecast. At this stage we will be home on the 7th March, a week before my rostered day on. Say hi to the other members for me.

Thanks Mark & Beryl

Half their luck — after 14 nights of minimums greater than 20°C, I could do with a bit of ‘bad weather’ about now…

Finally, the N‑Scale boys finally got cracking last Wednesday night and knocked up four wooden frames in a little over an hour (see picture above) — each one measuring 2.4 x 1 metre. And that was in spite of all the *ahem* ‘helpful advice and encouragement’ *cough* from the rest of the assembled peanut gallery club members. 🙂

Message from Paul

Paul H sends greetings from the other side of the planet. He reports that he is going to a Model Railroad exhibition every weekend somewhere or another that is as big as the one we get here once a year! Oh — and he is sick of having to dig his car out of the snow every morning. 🙂

Paul also found the picture above of a scratch built coking plant in 1:32 scale on the internet. Read all about it (including loads more pictures) here: He reckons it would make a good project for our G‑Scale group! 🙂

Latest Updates

We had a good turn out at the club on Wednesday night. Nobody came down the week before because of Australia Day so I think everyone was keen to come back. Even Peter Tullis turned up — back from his travels around the world over the past couple of months, although it might take him a few days to recover fully! Its good to see some activity down the club again following the traditionally slow Christmas period.

The N‑Scale crew finally finished dismantling the old ‘Redwintul Park West’ layout — and Weepee Junction — and stacked the old modules neatly in a corner so that construction of the new N‑Scale layout can commence in earnest; the HO boys appear to have finally got the wiring for the new DCC boosters sorted out so you don’t get intermittent shorts when driving from section to section on the HO layout; and the daylighters are in the process of cleaning out the outdoor pond following the discovery that the refilling mechanism had failed.


The February 2011 AMRA Branchline is available here: AMRA Branchline Feb 2011

Image: Quarry/mine on the old N‑Scale layout as it looked at the last RailFest.

Email problems

The club’s normal email address has died and due to the time of year, we are not able to find out what is going on and get it fixed for a few days.

In the meantime, a temporary GMail address has been set up as a backup. Please use this email address until advised otherwise.

[Address subsequently removed to limit spam.]

RailFest 2010

RailFest is on again!

Sunday 31st October 2010, 10am ‑5pm, FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. Tours of the Museum, activities for kids, sausage sizzle and much more.

This is a fun filled day for rail enthusiasts, the community and families. Explore grand steam and diesel locomotives, wander around the Exhibition Hall. Visit the Model Railway. Get a taste of the history of Railways in Western Australia collected and restored by passionate volunteers since 1959. Plenty of fun for the kids and so much more!

Image: NR103 — one of several guest locos at RailFest 2004

Albany Hobby Expo 2010

Our good friends, the Albany Model Railway Association are once again holding the bi-annual Albany Hobby Expo in the Albany Centennial Hall Pavilion (Lockyer Avenue, Albany), on the 9th and 10th of October 2010 (the last weekend of the school holidays). Opening times are 10am to 5pm on the Saturday and 9am to 4pm on the Sunday. [These dates were originally going to clash with RailFest, but RailFest has now been postponed to 31st October.]

For general enquires about the exhibition, please contact Peter Pocock on 0419 967 991 or Chris Winton on 9841 8136.

The Albany Hobby Expo is always an enjoyable, relaxed exhibition. Although the WAMRC has exhibited the past two times it has been held, this year we are unable to make it unfortunately.

Image: Cow reflected in a stream on the WAMRC N‑Scale exhibition layout at the Albany Hobby Expo 2008