Book Release: The Leeds Model Company 1912 — 2012

Reginald Frederick (Rex) Stedman 1893 ‑1959

From our colleagues at AMRA(WA) — news of an interesting book release in the UK:

From 1920 to 1940 three model railway companies, Hornby, Bassett-Lowke and Leeds led the market, supplying enthusiasts with ever increasing product ranges
of models and accessories of every description.

Of the three the Leeds Model Company (LMC), founded by Rex Stedman in 1912, has until now remained without any published history or consolidated record of its products.

David Peacock, archivist of the LMC, and manager of the Leeds Stedman Trust, has – in time for the Centenary of the Company – published an appreciative history entiltled The Leeds Model Company 1912 — 2012.

The hardback book, 170mm x 240mm, of 128 pages has 24 chapters and 19 appendices. Altogether these cover the history of the company, a detailed description of products and notes on preservation, repair and restoration.

There are over one hundred illustrations of which 23 are in colour. The book comes with a DVD which carries two videos and 106 full colour high definition photographs, which can only be accessed on a PC, of locomotives, coaches and goods stock which comprise the 0 Gauge model archive of the Trust.

The videos, which were made for Gauge O Guild programmes and may be played on TV or PC, are The Leeds Stedman Trust, a 55 minute show of slides with commentary by David Peacock and Jack Ray made in 1984 and updated in 1994, and Augurswell and Great Blessingsby [20 mins] made in 2008 which shows LMC and other models in operation on the Trust layout.

The book, which at present can be obtained only from the Leeds Stedman Trust is priced at A$40, this including packing and post to Australia. Arrangements are available for payment in dollars by cheque or cash, contact David Peacock on email hidden; JavaScript is required. For more information about the Leeds Model Company see

Station Masters of Western Australia

Jeff Austin (member of Rail Heritage WA and co-author of Rails Through the Bush) has written a book detailing another aspect of the railway history of Western Australia. This one is called Station Masters of Western Australia and is certainly a definitive review of the subject.

The book will be officially launched by Martin Whitely (MP) at 11am at RailFest 2011 on Sunday 16th October, and Jeff will be on hand to sign copies. It is available for pre-order now from Rail Heritage for $22 — a discount of over 25% over the regular cover price of $29.50:  Station Masters pre-order form

Image: Cover picture from Station Masters of Western Australia. The station personnel at North Fremantle c1899. The Station master, Mr E.H. Hickey, is seated second from our left. The others would be mainly clerks, porters, signalmen or shunters. State Library WA 28673P.

Life membership for George Sumner

The AGM was held a couple of weeks ago and there is little to report — apart from the fact that George Sumner was unanimously voted to life membership of the club in recognition of his 27 years of uninterrupted dedication and service to the club.

Unfortunately George was unable to make it to the AGM as he wasn’t too well, so we had to wait a couple of weeks to surprise him. The photo above shows President Tony Gray (right) presenting George with a certificate. A life membership section staff is also being prepared and will be given to George once it is ready.

Image: George Sumner (left) holding his Life Membership certificate

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N Scale progress

The N Scale boys had another good evening last Wednesday putting together one of the larger end pieces of the new layout and then attaching legs and bolting the modules together.

Still haven’t got around to doing the last minutes or sending out the notice of next general meeting — must get on to that!