Station Masters of Western Australia

Jeff Austin (member of Rail Heritage WA and co-author of Rails Through the Bush) has written a book detailing another aspect of the railway history of Western Australia. This one is called Station Masters of Western Australia and is certainly a definitive review of the subject.

The book will be officially launched by Martin Whitely (MP) at 11am at RailFest 2011 on Sunday 16th October, and Jeff will be on hand to sign copies. It is available for pre-order now from Rail Heritage for $22 — a discount of over 25% over the regular cover price of $29.50:  Station Masters pre-order form

Image: Cover picture from Station Masters of Western Australia. The station personnel at North Fremantle c1899. The Station master, Mr E.H. Hickey, is seated second from our left. The others would be mainly clerks, porters, signalmen or shunters. State Library WA 28673P.

7 thoughts on “Station Masters of Western Australia

  1. Pingback: Railfest 2011 | WAMRC News

  2. I am trying to find out some history of my great grandfather, Alexander Cowie, who was a stationmaster at Southern Cross in 1899. Does your book have any references to him or any information about his time at Southern Cross? 



  3. We have and old framed photo from 1940 and would love to return to the family it’s from keysbrook and the station master was Jock Patton his wife Betty and 2 grown up daughters
    It would be great to find its home.

  4. Looking up rail news from WA I discovered this website and the Rail Heritage WA site also.As I have a keen interest in WA steam locos I found your article on the U class really interesting.I spent 15 years with the Hotham Valley Railway at the Pinjarra depot cleaning Ws under the guidance of Murray Willmott.I also have a share in XA 1401 but I don t suppose she does much work these days.All happy memories!.
    I departed WA to return to the Old Dart in 1996.

  5. Hi Alan,

    I’m pleased our efforts have brought back some happy memories for you. I encourage you to explore the Rail Heritage WA archives:

    And if you have any questions you would like to ask or memories you would like to share, please get in touch with Jeff & Graham (the Rail Heritage archivists).


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