RailFest 2014 is less than a week away and the seven day forecast is looking like it will be great weather! Check out all the great attractions this year.
RAIL HERITAGE WA presents Railfest 2014
Where? The Railway Museum, 136 Railway Parade, Bassendean
When? Sunday 12 October 2014, 10am to 5pm
Swap meet – many stalls — models, books, railwayana; new & used
Model railway club – with behind-the-scenes visits
Guided tours – in and behind the museum
Kids’ activities spot!
Afternoon tea in the buffet car.
Sausage sizzle
Model trains – from ride-on live steam, to smallest scales
Special displays Midland Railway Company, and Working on the railway
Live music – The Stevedores Limited Edition jazz band from 2 pm
Avoid parking hassles – travel with Transperth to Bassendean train station then catch our free shuttle bus
Or park on Ashfield reserve then free shuttle bus to Railfest
All these extras, plus our normal displays — and only the standard prices – adults $9, concessions $7, children $4 (under 4 yrs free)
The Railway Museum, 136 Railway Parade, Bassendean WA 6054