As advised at the last General Meeting, Irv Woolley (pictured above) has resigned his position as a Committee Member, due to relocation back to the UK (again). Pursuant to clause 10 of the club’s constitution, this creates a casual vacancy in the Committee that must be filled at the next General Meeting on Wed. 19th 21st January 2009. Accordingly here is a nomination form for this position: Nominations Form Dec 2008
Candidates for the position must be nominated and seconded in writing by financial members of the Club, and the nomination form must contain the candidate’s signed consent to the nomination. Completed nomination forms must be lodged with the Secretary at least 21 days prior to the meeting (i.e. no later than Wed. 31st December 2008). Either pin it to the noticeboard or post it to the Secretary before the end of the year. The notice of General Meeting and postal ballot form (if required) will be distributed on Wed. 7th January 2009.
At the last General Meeting, the possibility was discussed of expanding the committee by up to two additional positions to balance the increased work load of the committee. However, clause 8 (ii) (e) of the club’s constitution is clear in only allowing three committee members. Allowing additional committee members will require amending the club’s constitution.
However, clause 8 (iv) does allow the committee to appoint additional members for the purposes of forming a sub-committee with non-voting rights. As such, I suggest if more than one person nominates for this vacant committee position, anyone who is unsuccessful in the ballot may still be considered by the committee for inclusion in a sub-committee.
Image: Irv Woolley at his farewell dinner (the first one!) in January 2008