The minutes from the 2008 AGM have finally been completed. They are available on the members’ page, or by clicking on this direct link:
2008 Annual General Meeting (July)
Also available on the members’ page is the public layout roster for the next six months (Aug 2009 to Jan 2010):
Club Roster Aug 09 — Jan 10 and Check List
You can now subscribe to the WAMRC News blog (i.e. this web page). On the home page (https://wamrc.org.au/) you will see a yellow box in the top right hand corner of the page with options you can click on for subscribing by email or RSS. Email is the easiest and simplest option — simply enter your email address and you will get an email whenever a new post is made on the WAMRC News blog (no more than one per day — if there is more than one update per day, they get aggregated into a single email).
This is a great way to stay in touch with the club’s activities and ensures you don’t miss updates to the web site. And it is secure — there are no ads or spam in the email, and your email address remains confidential. It will not be used for any other purpose whatsoever — guaranteed.
Do you have some photos, news or stories you would like to share with other club members? If so, please send them in to the club secretary (email address available on the contact page) and we can put them on the web site.
Would you like to help with the web site directly? If you would like to contribute directly to editing and maintaining the club’s web site, please let the secretary know. Many hands make light work and it is a great opportunity to learn some new skills! No special equipment or software is required — if you can access the internet and have a web browser you already have everything you need — and training can be provided.
Back in May I travelled to Port Hedland for a single day with work. My duties were finished by mid-morning so I had the rest of the day to wander around taking photos. The picture above is one of 134 I took in the space of a few hours!
Image: BHP locos 5642 and 6077 pause at Redbank for permission to enter the Port Hedland unloading area with an iron ore train on May 15, 2009