‘Tis the season for using “’tis” and “’twas” excessively — so congruent with tradition we are holding a Christmas party! This Wednesday night at the club (19th December) — come early for tea (Subway platters) and/or bring some goodies to share. Oh and play trains. 🙂
December AMRA Branchline
The December issue of the AMRA Branchline newsletter is now available: December AMRA Branchline.
Modelling the Railways of South Australia
At the last general meeting (September), member Darren Thomas passed on some interesting information he gathered on his recent trip to the 2012 Modelling Railways of South Australia Convention in Adelaide. Darren’s passion is modelling the railways of South Australia and he presented the following for anyone interested:
— “Broad Gauge Bodies” (click on the logo to go to their website). A useful source of modelling materials — particularly those modelling broad gauge prototypes, both South Australian and Australian in general.
- http://railwaykits.net/ — Web site for a variety of electronic kits for model railways available for purchase from Aztronics.
- http://www.mrsac.com/ — Web site for the “Modelling the Railways of South Australia Convention”
Image: Early SAR open wagon, 4mm, scratch-built by Frank Kelly (2009 MRSAC)
Open Day — South-West Rail & Heritage Centre
October AMRA Branchline
The October issue of the AMRA Branchline newsletter is now available: October AMRA Branchline.
Railfest 2012
Where? 136 Railway Parade, Bassendean
When? Sunday 14 October 2012, 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
- Modern trains on display* — see them close up
- LEGO display – specially for Railfest
- Meet the authors – the authors of many WA railway books will be present — bring or buy your WA railway books to chat to the writer or have your book signed
- Swap meet stalls – books and model trains for sale
plus our annual Railfest features
- Model railway club – with behind-the-scenes access
- Guided tours – in and behind the museum
- Kids’ activities spot, spider hunt!
- Sausage sizzle, railway pies, afternoon tea in the buffet car
- Pre-read books, magazines, timetables, etc
- Video and visiting displays
and all our normal historical displays, trains, and the model railway club
And still only the standard prices – Adults $9, children $4, concessions $7
Tell your friends ! Bring your family !
The Railway Museum, 136 Railway Parade, Bassendean WA 6054
*Thanks to the Public Transport Authority, and to CBH. Details to be finalised, subject to operational requirements on the day.
August AMRA Branchline
The August issue of the AMRA Branchline newsletter is now available: August AMRA Branchline.
June AMRA Branchline
The June issue of the AMRA Branchline newsletter is now available: June AMRA Branchline.
WAMCC Model and Toy Expo 2012
The West Australian Model Collectors Club (Inc.) are having a show in a few weeks time that may be of interest. Details below:
Sunday 27th May 2012
9:30am — 3:30pm
Cannington Agricultural Hall
Cnr Albany Highway & Station Street, Cannington
Refreshments Available — Free Competitions — Admission $5 Adults, Kids Free
April AMRA Branchline
The April issue of the AMRA Branchline newsletter is now available: April AMRA Branchline.